The World According To Suzi is here for me to share my songs, poems and stories. I'll also be sharing food and drink recipes, links and calendars of live music and other happenings in and around the Florida Keys, along with reviews on local restaurants, and tips on things to do. In Suzi's World there is always music, so I'll also be sharing play lists and my recommendations on music-new and old. So, please take a look around, click the links, leave a comment and let me know what you think, share your thoughts and give me a glimpse into your world!

Welcome To Suzi's World

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Why Are We So Angry?

Something happened to me this morning and I can't stop thinking about it.  I saw something on social media, Facebook, and I was so troubled by what I read; so disheartened by the words of a few people, that I lashed out at a whole town.  A town that I call home.  A town full of people that I love.  A town that is reeling and hurting.  I denied my hometown and I am ashamed.  I worry that I offended people and I am sorry.  I let a few haters color my perspective, change my mood and affect my behavior; and for that I am deeply troubled.

I've been thinking about the nature of negativity and anger.  We seem to be an angry people these days.  We are quick to offend and easily offended.  We watch our leaders attack each other verbally, and we tune into news broadcasts which seem to thrive on keeping us angry.



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