If companies had to use realistic slogans, ever thought about what they would sound like? I remember an old Dudley Moore and Daryl Hannah movie, "Crazy People" I think, about a bunch of mental patients who go into advertising and the results were a lot like these. One of theirs was: "Volvo - boxy but good." Anyway, these are pretty funny and spot on. Enjoy!
What if companies marketed the truth, instead of what they (or we) wished was true?
Dasani: Italian for “Coke just sold you water”
Ben and Jerry’s: Who are we kidding a pint is definitely one serving
FreeCreditReport.com: Credit reports are already free, but don’t let our name fool you, this one really isn’t.
Costco: When you’re not sure what you want, but you know you want a LOT of it. (This might be a paraphrase of a Mitch Hedberg line.)
Facebook: We know more about you than you do
SlimJim: If we showed you how we make these you’d stop eating meat forever.