There are actually a lot of good shows running on TV right now.
Here's a list of what is currently on my DVR:
"12 Monkeys" - Based on the movie by the same name, this show is a good ride. They have made some changes to the original movie plot, but kept the gist of it. It's gritty and dark, but the characters are developing well. The girl who plays Brad Pitt's character from the movie is amazing...she had to have studied his mannerisms because she acts just like him!
"Archer" - I never wanted to like Archer, but, yeah, well... It's crude, silly, down right ridiculous sometimes, but there it is on my DVR. It makes me laugh.
"Dig" - I've just started watching this one and haven't really made up my mind about it. Anne Heche has never been one of my favorite actresses, but she is pretty good in this. The whole prophesy of the red heifer is kind of silly to me, but if you buy into it, the show seems like it might be pretty good.
"Doctor Who" - Don't judge me...
"Drunk History" - If you aren't watching Drunk History, you don't know what you're missing. Each week, a semi-famous to famous actor proceeds to get shit faced drunk while being filmed and telling historically factual stories. While they are drunkenly telling the story, you also get to watch other semi-famous to famous actors act it out, including drunken slurs and inappropriate comments. It's a hoot!
"Gotham" - This one snuck up on me. The story centers around Bruce Wayne as a child of about 12, and young detective Gordon. Gordon is busy trying to clean up the corrupt Gotham police department, while Bruce is trying to find out who murdered his parents. The two begin to form a friendship. Other future Batman characters are shown young, such as The Penguin, CatWoman (a young street urchin,) Poison Ivy, The Riddler and more. Jada Pinkett Smith is absolutely amazing...It's almost worth watching just to see what fabulous dress she will be wearing.
"iZombie" - A new show that I think has potential. It's light and silly, but a fun ride. A young doctor is killed and wakes up as a zombie. To satisfy her hunger for brains, she transfers to the morgue. She soon learns that she takes on the memories and personality traits of the person the brains once belonged to, and uses that ability to solve murders. Like I said, light and silly, but I'm enjoying it so far.
"Marvel's Agent Carter" &
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." - Both of these shows are spin-offs of The Avenger's Movie. I love the movie, and I LOVE Joss Whedon, who wrote the movie and produces the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I like how they are developing the Marvel universe. Agent Carter is cute because we get to know Howard Stark (Tony Stark's father) back in the day. S.H.I.E.L.D. is a little more serious. If you didn't already love Agent Coulson from the movie, you will after watching the show.
"Downton Abbey" - My guilty pleasure. I love this show. It's just so English.
"Supernatural" - My go-to show. They currently run the past seasons on TNT every day, and I can watch them over and over and over. Watching Dean and Sam Winchester basically grow up on this show has been a great experience. I normally don't like shows that deal with god and the devil, angels and demons, good and evil, black and white. What I like about Supernatural is how they deal with these issues, but they are not black and white at all. Some demons are good guys, and most angels are dicks. Probably my favorite show on tv right now, I love me some Supernatural.
"The Last Man on Earth" - This one was a silly find! Will Forte is funny in this dark comedy. Not very high brow, but it's worth a chuckle.
"The Walking Dead" - Oh yeah baby. There was a time when my friends considered this show to be rated "NS" for No Suzi. I don't usually like overly gory or bloody shows. But, I have been hooked on The Walking Dead since watching the first episode. It is so dark, so gruesome, and yet so very human. It's one of the only shows that consistently causes me to yell at the TV!
"Weird Loners" - Haven't even watched this one yet. I think they have only run one episode. The ads looked quirky. We'll see...
What's on your DVR?